LiveGraphics3D Example:
Plotting Functions with JavaScript

Spherical Harmonics YLM Explorer
HTML & JavaScript programming by Chris Sinclair & Martin Kraus
Java programming by Martin Kraus
(rank) L =  
(component) M =  
polar resolution:
azimuthal resolution:
draw mesh
spherical plot of:
Please do not close the output windows manually, as this might cause a JavaScript error. (The windows are closed automatically anyway.) The plotted graphics can be rotated by pressing the left mouse button and moving the mouse.

While LiveGraphics3D is only able to show predefined graphics, JavaScript may be used to generate graphics depending on the userīs input and display them with the help of the LiveGraphics3D applet.

This technique was originally demonstrated by Christopher D. Sinclair using JavaScript 1.2 (see his Surface Viewer and Parametric Surface Viewer; please note that Netscape3 does not support JavaScript 1.2).

Here I am using JavaScript 1.1 to display more specialized functions. Please feel free to use, copy and modify the HTML and JavaScript code of this page.

Martin Kraus, August 31, 2005