Helix nebula (NGC7293), narrowband H-beta

Conditions: taken Sep. 23+24+26+28, 2003 from a moon-less (but light polluted) sky in Boulder, CO; no wind, no clouds, good/medium transparency.

Setup: Borg 100ED F6.4, DF-2 focusser, CFW-8 (H-beta filter 486/3 nm), ST10XE, MaximDL/CCD, Takahashi EM-10 mount (here's how this setup looks)

Exposure time: 38x900 sec

Processing (Mira6, Mira7, Photoshop7): dark subtracted, flat fielded, masked hot/cold pixels, registered, sigma-reject combined, curves and levels in Photoshop, grain surgery noise reduction, unsharp masking, clipped and resized x0.5

Here's a color image incorporating this data.

Comments greatly appreciated! (mikael@leif.org)