ToUcam, Borg 100ED

First the lens assembly mounted on the ToUcam is un-screwed and replaced with the Mogg adapter. This adapter can accept a 1.25 inch filter and facilitates easy connection to standard 1.25" eyepiece tubes. The filter shown below is an IR-reject filter, which is the type I most commonly use for this arrangement, since it removes unfocussed infrared radiation while permitting full color imaging:

For imaging using the standard Borg 100ED optical tube assembly the ToUcam is mounted in the 1.25 inch eyepiece receptacle. Two custom made (bronze colored) adapter rings are also present to place the camera far enough back to achieve focus:

These rings are not needed when imaging through a diagonal, as illustrated below. Here the diagonal is the Coronado BF-10 which is used for solar imaging with a SM-60 H-alpha filter:

Here's my mechanical mating page where you can see more examples of custom made adapters.

Comments greatly appreciated! (