Setup: Coronado SM60/BF10 H-alpha filter, Borg 100ED F6.4, x1.8 Barlow, IR reject filter, ToUcam web camera, Takahashi EM-10 mount (here's how this setup looks). Image scale: 1 arcsec/pixel.
Webcam settings: took two 90sec sequences: one for the disc and one for the prominence. Disc exposure time 1/2500sec, prominence exposure time 1/500sec, 5 FPS, brightness=100%, gamma=10% (50% for background/prominences), b&w mode=ON, 640x480 pixels
Processing: selected and stacked best 20 frames using K3CCDtools. Contrast enhanced, colorized, combined into a single image using PhotoshopCS.
This image was taken early in the morning from a site viewing the Sun over a large body of water to minimize air turbulence. Read more here.
Here's my main page where you can see more of the pictures I have taken so far.
Comments greatly appreciated! (